Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test of Parameters in Random Effect Model with Equilibrium Design and One-way Classification 平衡设计单向分类随机模型参数的极大似然比检验
On the Asymptotic Properties of Nonparametric Likelihood Ratio Test Under Composite Null Hypothesis 复合零假设下非参数似然比检验的渐近性质
Identification of Radar Targets With Pole Characteristics-based Likelihood Ratio Test 一种基于极点特征的似然比雷达目标识别方法
The Best Likelihood Ratio Test for Ratio of Variances from Two Independent Normal Populations 两正态总体方差的最佳双边似然比检验
Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Based on Likelihood Ratio Test 基于似然比测试的语音激活检测算法
In the mixture of particle filters, the existence of each tracked target is detected by using the sequential likelihood ratio test estimated by the output of the component particle filter. 在算法的状态估计阶段,采用混合系统粒子滤波和二元估计算法同时估计对象系统故障演化模型混合状态和未知参数的后验分布。
A Study on the Process Control Method Based on Likelihood Ratio Test 基于似然率检验的过程控制方法研究
For a life data X, whether it comes from the censoring exponential distribution or the censoring normal distribution, it can use the likelihood ratio test to make a decision. 对给定的寿命试验数据X,利用似然比检验法可对该数据是来自截尾指数分布还是截尾正态分布进行判别,但却很难求出似然统计量的分布形式。
Detection of moving targets in SAR images by using generalized likelihood ratio test method IDENTIFICATION OF SIX DIFFERENT ANIMAL SPECIES IN FEED BY MULTIPLEX PCR SAR图像中动目标的广义似然比快速检测饲料中六种动物源性成分多重PCR快速检测方法
Application on Likelihood Ratio Test Used for Sensitivity Factors of Area Slope Stability 似然比检验在区域斜坡稳定性敏感因素分析中的应用
We proposed a Pseudo likelihood ratio test statistic and obtained the limiting distribution under null hypothesis. 提出一种拟似然比检验统计量,并在原假设下给出统计量的极限分布。
Likelihood ratio test asymptotic distribution under H 0 was derived. 证明了最大似然估计的相合性,并且讨论了似然比检验在零假设下的渐近分布。
The likelihood ratio test and Score test are proposed to test the autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity of the ARMA ( 1,1) sequence random errors in nonlinear regression models. 本文讨论了误差为ARMA(1,1)序列的非线性回归模型.首先得到随机误差相关性和异方差性检验的似然比检验统计量和Score检验统计量;
Some optimal rules based on likelihood ratio test ( LRT) are given. 给出了基于似然比检验(likelihoodratiotest,LRT)的最优准则。
The differences between the two models were, tested by likelihood ratio test. 对两种模型的差异用似然比进行检验。
The detector derived from Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test ( GLRT) is developed under interference model. 对基于干扰模型的广义似然比检测算子进行了推导;
Likelihood ratio test can be applied in this method. 该方法主要利用似然比检验统计方法。
We propose a new pseudo likelihood ratio test which is based on the cumulative sum ( CUSUM) statistic. The limiting distribution of the test under null hypothesis is present. In addition, We derive analytical expression for asymptotic critical value. 基于累积和(CUSUM)统计量,提出一种新的波动性预测模型多变点的拟似然比检验,在原假设下给出统计量的极限分布及渐近临界值的解析表达式。
The problem of outlier test is considered in multivariate constrained linear regression. By giving the equivalence relations of estimators and statistics in multivariate data delated model and mean shift model under the restricted condition, we derived the likelihood ratio test statistics and their distributions. 讨论了带约束的多元线性回归模型中异常值的检验问题,证明了带约束的多元数据删除模型与相应的均值漂移模型的统计量之间的等价性,得到了异常值检验的似然比统计量及其分布。
The Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test ( GLRT) method for the detection of the change-point of the mean in ARMA process was improved. 对ARMA过程均值变点检测的广义似然比检验GeneralizedLikelihoodRatioTest(GLRT)方法进行改进。
Through the comparison of likelihood ratio test results, the sensitivity degrees of affecting slope stability factors were determined. 通过对回归方程的似然比检验进行模型优劣程度的对比,得出影响本区斜坡稳定性敏感因素的程度。
We use leading methods in the world& Wald test and likelihood ratio test. The results show that CAPM isn't applicable in China's Stock Market. 通过使用国际上比较先进的检验方法&Wald检验和似然比检验,结果表明:CAPM在目前的中国股市不具有适用性。
The traditional signal detection theory and method using likelihood ratio test has been used widely, but it has obvious drawbacks. 传统信号检测理论和方法主要采用似然比检测,已得到广泛的应用,但是存在明显的缺点。
Aiming at the problem that the traditional multipath suppression technique can not effectively and reliably detect and track target, a method based on the generalized likelihood ratio test ( GLRT) of OFDM-MIMO radar multipath suppression is proposed. 针对传统的多径抑制技术不能有效和稳定的对目标进行检测和跟踪,提出了基于广义似然比检测的OFDM-MIMO雷达多径抑制方法。
To solve this problem, a GLRT ( generalized likelihood ratio test) algorithm is proposed. 为解决此问题,本文又提出广义似然比检测(GLRT)算法。
A generalized likelihood ratio test ( GLRT) detector are developed using SAR returns as opposite to images, the detecting performance are derived theoretically. 提出了基于回波广义似然比(GLRT)的SAR一般微动目标检测方法,从理论上推导了检测器性能。
Then the author studied the distribution of SAR images after noise jamming. Detection algorithm, based on general likelihood ratio test and distribution of target and background, is put forward. 然后在干扰条件下,研究了噪声干扰后图像的分布特性,提出了基于广义似然比和目标分布特性的目标检测技术。
The principle of the hypothesis testing is studied and the difference between the likelihood ratio test and sequential probability ratio test is analyzed. The pipe signals are pre-processed base on normality test and stationary test before the improved sequential probability ratio test is used to detect the leakage. 研究了假设检验的原理,分析了似然比检验与序贯比检验的区别,运用正态性检验与平稳性检验对信号进行预处理,提出了一种改进的序贯比检验方法检测管道泄漏。
Based on empirical likelihood, we construct an empirical likelihood ratio test for heteroscedasticity. 通过引入经验似然方法,对模型异方差检验构造了经验似然比。